
Friday 23 October 2020

Jordy's Bracelet


Starts at 1.30

Question (wonderings)

Clarify (meanings/answer)

Break  1

1.30 to 1.47

What counts as an exception?

What kind of exception are they talking about?

No exception at the beginning.

Break 2

1.47 to 1.50

Who is Jordy?

What kind of bracelet?

Do I need to care about Jordy?

She was a girl who lost her dad.

So we know her story, it could be anyone for us.

Break 3

1.50 to 2.04

What is the school uniform policy?

Why has it offended Jordy?

Why no bracelets?

No jewelry

Emotional reasons, it was given by her dad.

Parents survey -do not want school rules to change.

Break 4

2.04 to 2.19

Why is she getting so angry?

What is so special about the bracelet?

Because it hurt her heart- Dad.

Controlled Release now it’s time for you to ask the questions as I stop.  

Who’s got questions?  How many can we answer from above now?

Break 5

2.19 to 2.35

How did Jordy’s dad die?

Why is it the most important?

Why did her dad give it to her in the first place?

We don’t know how her dad died?

It related to Jordy.

Religious/Christening bracelet.

Break 6

2.35 to 2.58

What is a christening bracelet?

What is christening?

If the bracelet is so small why is she upset it had to be cut off?

Part of your identity.

A christian ceremony at which a baby is christened; a baptism.

Because it was the memory she only had with her father.


2.58 to 3.19

Why are they not letting her be comfortable for her?

Would it not be expected to be cut off because it is too small?

It would be unfair to others if they made her an exception. When they got in that school, they all agreed to the school uniform policy.

No, because you can adjust it as you get bigger.

Break 8

3.19 to 3.46

What is a traditional school?

Why did she sob so much?

Traditional schools are schools almost all of your family attended.

She felt bad.

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