
Wednesday 12 August 2020

Greek Myths Legends

The Greek Myth I am studying is called Trojan Horse.

Paris was the son of King Priam and Hecuba of Troy. He is known for being clever, strong and very good-looking.

Paris was believed to ruin Troy, when the baby was born King Priam  gave it to the chief herdsman. The herdsman left the baby to die on Mount Ida.When the herdsman, Agelaus  return he saw the baby alive and healthy because it had been kept alive by the wild bear. Agelaus saw that this is a sign that the baby was meant to live. He decided to look after it. He called the baby Paris, he grew up to be clever, strong and very good-looking. All this time, Paris had no idea that he was the Prince of Troy.
Paris' good looks and bravery caught the attention of the gods. One day The goddesses visited Paris while he was herding his goats."Zeus says you have to give this golden apple to whoever you think is the most beautiful of us",one by one the goddesses approached Paris. Each of them offered him a wonderful prize if he choose them. Paris did not accept the offer of the first two goddesses. Paris  give the golden apple to aphrodite because he couldn't say no to the prize because she told him that she will give the love of Helen, the most beautiful woman who has ever lived. Paris' life went back to normal. Until one day, he went to Troy to take part at the yearly games. He won the boxing running events. To save the family prides, two of King Priam's son challenged Paris to fight. Agelaus was terrified that Paris would be killed and rushed to King Priam and told him that Paris is his son. Paris is welcomed back as the long lost Prince of  Troy. Paris couldn't stop thinking of Helen. He knew that Helen lived in Sparta. He was welcomed as the Trojan prince. Unfortunately Helen had a husband, King Menelaus. The king was suddenly called and left. Aphrodite begins to work her magic on Paris and Helen. The night Menelaus left, Paris and Helen ran away together and took Helen with him on Troy. Menelaus was very angry when he found out, he ask for his brothers help the most powerful king in Greece. Helen's beauty charmed the Trojans. Menelaus come to get her back and brought armies from his brother's empire(Agamemnon). For nine years the Greeks camped outside the walls holding the city under siege.The battles was fought on the windy plains outside the walls, with no final victory. The Greek Warrior Philoctetes  challenged him to an archery contest  to the death. Paris didn't stand the chance. Though the first arrow went wide, the second pierced his hand and the third blinded his right eye. But it was the fourth, which pierced Paris' ankle, the killed him.


  1. I like reading your Greek myth Legends. You explained it very well.

  2. I like you story.I like the way how you write it.I like picture


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