
Friday 31 July 2020

All about me

All About Me

My name is Jemarie Jade and it originally came from my parents name .I am their first born child so they combined their names and that's where my name came from. My name Jemarie means it is the combined name of my mother and my father, the Je comes from my father Jerry and the marie comes from my mother Marites and my second name Jade means purity or purification and Jade is typically a green stone used for ornaments and implements and consisting of the minerals jadeite or nephrite.One famous person with my name is Jade Thirlwall. Jade Thirlwall is a famous American-British singer, she’s a member of the British girl group Little Mix with Perry Edwards, Jesy Nelson and Leigh-Anne Pinnock.I’m quite happy if they call me Jemarie but I would rather be called Jade because a lot of people who know  me call me Jade but it’s okay if they call me Jemarie.My mom really like my first name and she really likes the stone called Jade and that’s why they named me Jemarie Jade.I don’t have an idea if my name was popular.I will never change my name because I'm happy with it.

I chose the avatar at the top because I want to be a successful woman someday or in the future when I finish studying.
I chose the avatar on the right because this me as a student,  this is me in the present that is currently studying hard to achieve all of my dreams and become successful someday

My favorite book is the Harry Potter series. I like this book because some of the parts were interesting and it’s fun to read it and it also has a movie series and it’s very great.I like to read it at home or in bed.My favorite Harry Potter series is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by is J.K Rowling.I like J.K Rowling because I find his books very interesting especially Harry Potter series.I start reading this when I first watch the movie called Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.The last time I read this book is when I was bored,but I’m still reading it.For the people who struggles reading a book I advice that they should read an interesting book with an interesting title so that they can find it not too boring and fun to read.I read more than 5 books and it’s very good.

My strength is that I have a  family.I am very grateful because I have a complete family.I am very lucky because I’m with my family,we have a home to sleep,my family and I have food to eat and mostly I am loved by my family.My friends in the Philippines always told me that I’m always positive.I think I’m good at dancing but not really but I am good at listening.I care about people when they were so down sometimes when my friends were so sad I make them happy because i know that they have problem that’s why  I just make them happy so that they can forget their problems.

The important people to me are my family.I treasure my Family the most.It is important to me that we will be together forever even though I got older.They were my family, that's why they are very important to me.

The place that has a bad memory for me is in the Philippines.It happened back in 2014 there was a fire
near our house and that day I was so scared because I thought our house will be on fire too and also the
day after that was my birthday that’s why I was so scared but luckily our house was not damaged by the

The place I love to be is in our province.I go there with my parents and my little brother.We go there every holidays.I really really love being in the province because the air in there is  fresh and also the family of my mother are in the province that’s why I love being in the province because it’s the time that all of us get to bond and enjoy the fresh air.I do a lot of thing there like watering the plants and helping my grandparents in the farm.The last time I went there was when I was still in the Philippines.

The person/people I visit the most is my grandparents in the province and also my aunt’s.
I’m really close to them and every time we go there,they cook my favorite dish and I eat it with rice.
They live in Pangasinan,Philippines. It is our province.I was there last year when I was about to leave the
Philippines.When we got home to the Philippines.They inspired me a lot because they are hard working.
I have known them since I was born.

I want to be successful in the future  and I want to travel around the world.I want to visit Paris because it's
been my dream destination since I was a little girl.I first think about it when I was a little girl because I see
a lot of  beautiful videos that people uploads when they went to Paris so that’s why I really want to go
there.I would like to go with my family because it will be more fun when I’m with them.
I chose this because i want my parents to rest and I will be the one who will work because they always
work hard just to give me and my brother a really good life.I still don’t have an idea if how much money
will I need.I will study and work hard to fulfill my goal.

I want to be more confident and I want to challenge myself to do things that I didn’t do yet.
I will study hard to achieve it and I will ask a teacher if I didn’t understand something.
I will do all my responsibilities to help myself improve more and I will do the right thing and I will also work
Be more confident,because sometimes I get shy at people and I don’t talk that much to them.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Bird Mascot

Dove Bird (Dovy the Dove)

I chose it because some of this bird's personalities are the same as me.Some of its characters traits are same as mine that's why I chose dove to be my bird mascot and also this bird symbolizes peace and love. Doves are found in every place on the planet, with the exception of locales of extreme temperatures such as the Sahara Desert and Antarctica. They are most likely to be found in the forests and woodlands, out in the country and in a big city. They are adaptable birds and can fit wherever they can find food. Doves can make their home and thrive in any number of places. 

Doves are social-related oriented,loyal, consistent, affable, honest and friendly. They also need directions/instructions and guidance. Put emphasize in harmony. Nice, gentle  and they are responsive to strong implementation skills. They like to do something useful for themselves and for others. They are commonly controlled by their emotions. If we are a dove type person the qualities that they have are same as ours.

Larger birds or predators scares dove. They are also scared on a Frightening Devices. Due to the doves ground feeding behaviours, they are often caught by predators. Birds or Doves has the ability to learn, retain information and alter their behaviour. Doves are not that intelligent like the other birds but they can be train and they can learn by teaching them what will they do. They are suited for carrying messages because they have an ability to fly to their home over long distances.